Henley in Arden Wedding – Duncan & Kelly
Duncan & Kelly had their e-shoot with us earlier on in 2015 around the amazing Digbeth area of Birmingham, have a peek here…
What a wonderful day thier wedding was. Duncan and Kelly had a Sikh wedding at the Gurdwara Sahib Temple in Leamington Spa. We havn’t photographed many Sikh weddings so this was a real treat for us seeing how other faiths do things. Kelly arrived and they both saw each other before hand and greeted their friends and family. The beautiful ceremony began and then it was time for some lovely family and couple shots outside this gorgeous building. They climbed aboard their awesome classic VW Beetle and off they went to get ready for the next chapter at Henley in Arden Golf Club.
They were greeted with a confetti explosion and it was lovely to see their table names as their favourite bands. The Groom speech was like no other we had ever seen! The best in fact! He started and then about 5 minutes in started singing! Then in came the guitar, the flute, violin, tambourine and many more! It was a complete surprise and absolutely amazing to witness, Kelly was lost for words!
Such a a wonderful day with again the lovely Amy Rose on hand helping as I was getting closer and closer to popping! Thanks for having us guys, it was awesome!